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Nominees IIR National Privacy Innovation Awards 2016 announced

During the 2016 National Data Protection & Privacy Congress, the annual National Privacy Innovation Awards will be presented. These Awards reward the most original, innovative and promising privacy projects in the Netherlands.

With these Awards, IIR and Privacy First highlight organisations that see privacy innovation as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and do privacy-friendly business. This is in line with Privacy First's mission: the Netherlands Privacy Guideland.

From the many entries, the expert jury determined the following nominees in each category:

Business solutions

Consumer solutions





(insufficient entries)


TomTom Identity/CDDN        ZIVVER

Jury IIR National Privacy Innovation Awards
The jury consists of privacy experts from several industries and sectors:
- Bas Filippini, founder and chairman, Privacy First (jury chair)
- John Borking, Of Counsel, CMS, member of Advisory Board of EuroPriSe GmbH
- Paul Korremans, Data Protection & Security Professional, Comfort Information Architects
- Jaap Henk Hoepman, Scientific Director, Privacy & Identity Lab.

The election
During the conference, the six nominated projects will be presented to the public. The professional jury will decide the winners of the IIR National Privacy Innovation Awards 2016. In addition, the public votes live for the public award, which will be presented alongside the Awards.

Retrieved from Wednesday, 14 September 2016 during National Congress on Data Protection & Privacy will be announced who wins these prestigious awards.

Read HERE more about the IIR National Privacy Innovation Awards.