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Algemeen Dagblad, 9 Oct 2013: 'Albert Heijn under fire for revamped bonus card'

Albert Heijn's new bonus card, which will be issued to customers in two weeks' time, is already receiving strong criticism. Privacy advocacy organisations think AH is going too far with the card.

Customers can get offers specially tailored to them, but they have to give up personal data. For example, those with a cat would like to be notified when AH has an offer on cat food. Holders of the updated bonus card will receive their offers via email.
Customers must give explicit consent for the new card. They have to, because the supermarket giant was knocked back by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (CBP) last year. The plans violated the law. Now AH explicitly asks permission. Those who do not activate the card online will have an `ordinary' card.

Internet expert Brenno de Winter: "I wonder if people will still be as excited if every bottle of wine they buy is reported to their health insurer."

Albert Heijn claims it will not sell the data. Despite that promise, the Foundation Privacy First not at all happy with the card: "We think this is a form of unfair business practices," says Vincent Böhre of the foundation. "It amounts to getting extra discounts if you hand over your details. That is not acceptable.""

Source: Algemeen Dagblad, AD/De Dordtenaar, AD/Green Heart, AD/Rotterdams Dagblad, AD/Haagsche Courant, AD/Utrechts Nieuwsblad, AD/Amersfoortse Courant & AD/Rivierenland, 9 October 2013. Also online at