AT5, 28 Nov 2013: Privacy First reaction to 'bugging affair' Amsterdam ground lease
The municipality of Amsterdam plans to revise the rules for ground lease soon. Reason for Foundation Erfpachters Belangen Amsterdam (SEBA) to use a petition to force a local referendum on ground lease. This to the annoyance of local parties PvdA and GroenLinks who fear "misleading" citizens by "signature hunters". PvdA and GroenLinks even appeared this week to have surreptitiously made audio recordings of volunteers and working students collecting signatures for the ground lease referendum. In Privacy First's view, PvdA and GroenLinks probably committed an unlawful act in doing so; see Art. 6:162 BW. (According to other lawyers, there is even criminal offence under Art. 139b Sr.) Watch Privacy First's comments on local television channel AT5 below and click HERE for the AT5 news report:
Journal (AT5, Nov 28, 2013):
The Defence Line of Amsterdam (AT5, 28 Nov 2013):
Update: Even Nieuwsuur pays attention to the affair; click HERE. SEBA has since charges brought against Labour Party and Green Left.