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Privacy First criticises legislative wishes participants data protection roundtable
Roundtable discussion Data Protection Collection Act 4 December next.
On 4 December next, the House of Representatives Digital Affairs Committee will hold a roundtable place following the bill 'Data Protection Collective Act'. Among those invited to that conversation was an association of Dutch data traders, which expressed legislative wishes in a position paper. Other private participants in the conversation also did so.
Privacy First Foundation saw reason to send the committee its own paper, with both a reaction to one part of the bill and some of its own proposals to improve personal data protection in the Netherlands.

Privacy First raises the following issues:
- Regulation of large-scale data trading to prevent personal data getting into the wrong hands.
- Tighten supervision of data trading and large-scale processing of financial personal data by Dutch government agencies.
- Improving legal protection for citizens, following the section of the bill dealing with the power of banks to suspend and block payment transactions. Among other things, Privacy First proposes that there should be a financial ombudsman, which could handle complaints and signals from bank customers and launch investigations.
- Improve the process of verifying people's identities, including the use of biometrics, to reduce the risk of identity fraud.
- Tightening the rules on (semi-)public registers, such as the Trade Register, UBO register and Land Registry, so that people are protected from criminals and others with less good intentions.
- Supplementing the rules on unfair commercial practices with the possibility for a company to sue its competitor for non-compliance with the AVG.
More information:
- full paper by Privacy First (pdf)
- announcement of the Roundtable discussion Collective Data Protection Act https://www.tweedekamer.nl/debat_en_vergadering/commissievergaderingen/details?id=2024A07395