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Policy, mission and vision

Logo_SPF-symbol-128pxPurpose and policy

Privacy First Foundation was established in 2008. Privacy First's statutory purpose is as follows:

To preserve and promote the right to privacy, as well as the personal freedom of living environment, in any manner whatsoever, including by taking legal action on behalf of all citizens in the Netherlands for the protection of this general interest; and to do all that is related or conducive to the aforementioned purpose in the broadest sense.

The reason for the creation and existence of Privacy First is the fact that the right to privacy in the Netherlands is under increasing pressure. To protect and strengthen everyone's right to privacy, Privacy First therefore actively acts in the form of political lobbying, legal actions and court cases, information provision and campaigns for the general public.

Click HEREpdf for Privacy First's current outline policy plan, including our remuneration policy (pdf).

Our current standard form for ANBI publication duty can be found HEREpdf  (pdf).

Click HEREpdf for Privacy First's current policy on supporting mass claims under the Class Action Mass Claims Settlement Act (WAMCA) (pdf). 


Privacy First's strategic mission is to develop the Netherlands into an international privacy guide country. All our activities are focused on this. In this context, Privacy First also organises the annual Dutch Privacy Awards. Moreover, in the public interest, Privacy First can cooperate with relevant companies and governments: you can read more about this on our theme page Privacy First Solutions.


Privacy is the foundation of our democratic rule of law. Privacy is a universal human right and fundamental freedom and includes, in addition to privacy and development, the protection of personal data, confidential communications and integrity of person and body. The right to privacy is a prerequisite for the exercise of several other freedoms, such as freedom of expression and free press. However, the right to privacy has come under great pressure in recent years. Privacy First believes that this right should be defended by strengthening it and sees privacy as an opportunity. An opportunity for the Netherlands to become a privacy guide country internationally. To make the Netherlands a guiding country, we see a number of vistas and concrete handles. Read more about Privacy First's vision in our pdfvision document. With our vision, we want to encourage a climate of continuous research and reflection on privacy issues. We want to make our vision dynamic by giving people with good ideas the opportunity to contribute to an ongoing discussion on privacy in Dutch society. Do you have a good idea? Or does your organisation have experience in this area that you would like to share? Privacy First is constantly looking for people and organisations that want to think with us about a future privacy-friendly Netherlands.

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