Radio Noord-Holland, 24 Oct 2012: interview with Privacy First on access to medical DNA by police and judicial authorities
Recently, KRO Reporter dedicated a television report to a draft bill by Health Minister Edith Schippers to give police and the judiciary access to bodily material at hospitals and so-called biobanks. This involves human tissue, blood and DNA stored for medical research that could still be used by the police and judiciary for investigative purposes. In June 2012 decided Minister Schippers, however, decided not to submit the relevant bill (Control of Body Materials Act) to the Lower House, partly following a critical consultation round among relevant civil society organisations. According to Schippers, it was up to the new cabinet to determine "whether a Control of Body Materials Act is needed at all". A discussion about this took place on Radio Noord-Holland this afternoon, with the central question being: should police and justice have access to medical DNA? The entire broadcast (including responses from the national doctors' federation KNMG, Privacy First Foundation and children's rights organisation Defence for Children) can be found HERE online (4pm-5pm). Click HERE for written responses from listeners and listen below to the excerpt with Privacy First's Vincent Böhre: