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The Great Privacy First Tracking Act Debate, 15 March 2018

15 March 2018: the Privacy First Tracking Act Debate

In the context of the upcoming referendum, Privacy First Foundation is pleased to invite you to a critical public debate on the privacy aspects surrounding the new Intelligence and Security Services Act, known as the 'Sleep Act'. This debate will take place at Thursday evening 15 March as. at the Parool Theatre in Amsterdam (opposite our office location). For this evening, we have invited three speakers: Dick Schoof (National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security), Nine de Vries (Amnesty International Netherlands) and Otto Volgenant (Boekx Lawyers). The evening's moderator is Bart de Koning (privacy and security investigative journalist). During the debate, there will be plenty of room for discussion among the speakers and with the audience, followed by drinks where we can toast to a successful referendum together!

Everyone is welcome, admission is free. You can register at, but it is not compulsory.

Date: Thursday 15 March 2018, 19.30-21.30h (walk-in from 19.00h), drinks afterwards.
Location: Parool Theater, Wibautstraat 131D in Amsterdam (next to The Student Hotel).
You can find directions here.

Click HERE for the invitation as Privacy First sent it to its network today (pdf). Would you like to receive direct invitations to our events from now on? Mail us! Then we will add you to our mailing list.

Update 16 March 2018: watch the full video of the public debate below!  

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