AD/Rotterdams Dagblad, 3 February 2015: 'Parking space registration'
"GroenLinks in Rotterdam wants a user-friendly way for parkers to pay for a parking space if they do not want to enter their license plate number for privacy reasons.
Ideally, the party would like Rotterdam to introduce parking space registration, so that parkers enter the details of the parking space instead of their license plate number.
The court ruled last week in a case brought by the Privacy First foundation against the municipality of Amsterdam that parkers are not obliged to enter their license plates. They do have to prove that they have paid.
Rotterdam respects that ruling. Parkers who do not want to enter a license plate number will have to present a proof of payment. GroenLinks thinks this is too cumbersome. "As far as we are concerned, Rotterdam parkers should be offered a privacy-friendly alternative at the front, so that everyone can easily use it."
Source: AD/Rotterdams Dagblad, 3 February 2015, p. 3.