"Anonymous travel impossible in future"
"When you leave your home, you give up some privacy. Someone might see you entering a clinic, or see you leaving a hotel with your secretary." In the past, it took manpower and effort to get this kind of information. Today and in the future, this information is quietly collected by everyday devices and applications, and is available to all kinds of parties, who can request or buy it. Or they pay a hacker to steal everyone's travel history, the EFF argues. "It is this transition to a regime where information about your location is collected continuously, silently and cheaply that we are concerned about."
"I have nothing to hide"
An often-heard argument is that law-abiding people do not need privacy. The EFF notes that it is not only the government, police or political opponents that need protection from. Nor do employers, colleagues, family or business competitors need to know the details of a person's personal life. "Protecting location-specific privacy is all about maintaining dignity and trust as you move through the world," he says. Certain location-specific information could be of interest to insurance companies, for example, in order to increase premiums. The EFF refers to this item in which the "I have nothing to hide" argument is further debunked.
Therefore, to safeguard citizens' privacy, this must be taken into account already at the design stage of all kinds of services. "Now is the time to choose responsible designs and not give up users' location-specific privacy just because it is expedient." In what ways mobile phones, public transport chip cards and credit cards affect privacy, the EFF makes clear in this item clear.