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Computable, 14 July 2011: 'Nictiz extends LSP contract CSC for a while longer'

"The National ICT Institute in Healthcare (Nictiz) has extended the contract with CSC for managing the national switch point (LSP) in healthcare information exchange until the end of 2011. Nictiz has stopped the tender for a new LSP, but is investigating whether there is still a future for an LSP without government support. The LSP was supposed to become the linchpin in the set-up of the national electronic patient record, but the Senate blocked its introduction in early April.


Meanwhile, a club (Privacy First) has emerged that believes the development of such a private electronic patient record must stop. Privacy First favours regional epd's with regional exchange hubs. That would greatly reduce the risk of privacy breaches as opposed to a national set-up."

Read HERE the whole article at Computable.