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Upper house torpedoes SPD

This afternoon, the long-awaited bullet finally passed: the introduction of a national Electronic Patient Record (EHR) was unanimously rejected by the Senate. After 14 years and €300 million in investments, the national EHR has now landed where it should have been years ago: on the Scrapheap of Draconian Laws. Two years ago, the Lower House adopted the same plan for national exchange of highly sensitive patient data by a large majority: PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, VVD, ChristenUnie, SGP and CDA voted in favour then. This afternoon, all these parties made a historic '180'. Even the CDA seems healed. Moving insight? Who knows... In any case, this development fits in with a broader trend that has been going on over the last year, in which politicians seem to be becoming increasingly concerned about the privacy of their citizens. Privacy First welcomes this development and expects many more privacy-infringing laws to be torpedoed.