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Algemeen Dagblad, Nov 7, 2013: 'Plasterk sued over wiretapping'

Minister Plasterk is being sued by a group of citizens and bodies, including the Dutch Association of Journalists, the Association of Criminal Law Lawyers and Privacy First.

According to them, the US intelligence agency NSA is breaking the law by eavesdropping on people in the Netherlands and then passing that information on to the AIVD. According to [legal expert] Vincent Böhre of Privacy First, the NSA's "illegal practices" must end. "Dutch citizens must be able to trust that they are not tapped by third parties. Moreover, we want the AIVD to stop laundering illegal NSA data."

Internet lawyer Christiaan Alberdingk Thijm expressed himself in similar terms. "We hope by bringing this case that the AIVD will stop cooperating with the NSA," he said. Dagers also wants to know who was tapped. The Lower House debated the NSA yesterday. Afterwards, the Labour Party minister said he was not afraid of the legal process. (...)"

Source: Algemeen Dagblad, AD/De Dordtenaar, AD/Green Heart, AD/Rotterdams Dagblad, AD/Haagsche Courant, AD/Utrechts Nieuwsblad, AD/Amersfoortse Courant & AD/Rivierenland, 7 November 2013, p. 11.