Municipal surveillance with drones, is it allowed?
Can a municipality use drones to monitor zoning plans? Privacy First has reservations about this. Following plans by the municipality of Deventer, we went on Radio 1 (Dit is de Dag) to debate the mayor of Deventer.
The deployment of drones seems too heavy a tool to us. Because it has too many privacy concerns and risks. People will start to feel constantly spied on. Perhaps that is normal in China, but not in the Netherlands.
Privacy First hopes Deventer city council will stop this project, and that other municipalities will cancel similar plans. If not, it will be up to the Personal Data Authority. Privacy First will continue to monitor this critically.
Update 25 March 2023: see also the television report on the subject With Privacy First board member Guido Visman at Hart van Nederland (SBS6), 24 March 2023. Striking reaction from Deventer municipality spokesperson: "It is agreed that drones will only be used when we are sure there are no people around," he said. So never!