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National Privacy Conference 2018

Retrieved from Tuesday, 30 January 2018 organise ECP|Platform for the Information Society and Privacy First are jointly hosting the first-ever National Privacy Conference. The National Privacy Conference brings together relevant players and offers you the opportunity to learn from the fine fleur of the Dutch privacy field.

Retrieved from Tuesday, 30 January 2018 organise ECP|Platform for the Information Society and Privacy First are jointly hosting the first-ever National Privacy Conference. The National Privacy Conference brings together relevant players and offers you the opportunity to learn from the fine fleur of the Dutch privacy field. During this conference, the Dutch Privacy Awards will also be presented to companies and governments that have shown that they see privacy as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm.

Privacy as a mission

With the digitalisation of our society, the right to privacy is under increasing pressure. How can we as a society digitise while preserving and strengthening our privacy? How could the Netherlands develop into an international Privacy Guiding Country? Privacy First and ECP would like to take up this challenge together and offer you the necessary knowledge and inspiration with this conference.

Dutch Privacy Awards

During the conference, the new Dutch Privacy Awards awarded. After all, privacy is more than mere compliance: sustainable privacy requires companies and governments that see privacy as an opportunity to positively differentiate themselves and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm. Privacy by design constitutes the key to this.


From the entries, the independent expert jury determined the following nominees in each category:

Consumer solutions

  • IRMA (I Reveal My Attributes)

Business solutions

  • TrustTester
  • Personal Health Train

Government services

  • Youth Privacy Implementation Plan (Amsterdam municipality)

In addition to these nominees, the jury may award an Encouragement Award on its own initiative in favour of a pioneering technology or person.During the conference, the nominated projects will be presented to the public. The professional jury will then announce the winners of the Dutch Privacy Awards 2018.

Congress programme

  • 13:00 Walk-in
  • 13:30 Start of conference
  • 13:35h Aleid Wolfsen, chairman Personal Data Authority
  • 14:05u Gerrit-Jan Zwenne, professor of Law and the Information Society (Leiden University)
  • 14:35h Sell me your secret (theatre group Foundation WHAT WE DO)
  • 14:45h Break
  • 15:00 Jaap-Henk Hoepman, associate professor of Privacy by Design (Radboud University)
  • 15.30h Panel debate and public discussion
  • 16:15 Dutch Privacy Awards ceremony
  • 17:00h Closing drinks

Sign up

You can register for this conference by completing the registration form on the ECP website fill in. Once you have registered, you will receive the invitation with the full programme by email. NB: the number of available places is already limited, so be there on time!

National Privacy Conference

Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Location: Volkshotel Amsterdam (room Riet), click HERE for directions
Time: 1.30pm - 6pm.