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Privacy First annual report 2023

Hereby, Privacy First Foundation is pleased to publish its annual report 2023: click here to download the Dutch-language pdf version downloadable (here in English). In our annual report, we like to look back, but also a little forward. After all, the societal challenges Privacy First deals with are great.

Our work has never been easy; the force field in which we operate is too big, too complex and too dynamic for that. For more than 15 years, Privacy First has worked continuously, often like David vs Goliath, to better embed the right to privacy in legislation and technology. Sometimes with setbacks, but often with success.

In our annual report, you can read all about our main activities in 2023 (with some looking ahead to 2024), including our National Privacy Conference and the Dutch Privacy Awards, our political lobbying and litigation, our projects, events and other activities.

In 2024, Privacy First hopes to grow and further expand our activities. After all, the right to privacy is under enormous pressure in several areas. A strong organisation like Privacy First is and will therefore remain necessary, and your support as a donor or sponsor is indispensable. Click HERE To become a donor to Privacy First!