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Nederlands Dagblad, 28 June 2012, 'Amsterdam considers deploying 'scan poles''

"The municipality of Amsterdam is looking into the possibility of deploying X-ray body scanners on the streets. Mayor Eberhard van der Laan (PvdA) is explaining in the city council today the Amsterdam police's investigation into the possibility of deploying so-called 'scan poles' to supplement preventive frisking. Amsterdam's D66 party wants the municipality to stop the research immediately. D66 thinks the invasion of privacy is too great. It already considers preventive frisking a heavy tool and calls the body scanner that can look through clothing with radiation 'really several steps too far'. According to the mayor, the investigation into the 'naked body scans' is part of a broader, national discussion on the use of gun checks. 'In Amsterdam, we want to prevent innocent people from being searched and at the same time increase the chance of catching people who do carry weapons.' The Privacy First Foundation has announced it will go to court if the Amsterdam police decide to deploy body scanners on the streets."

Source: Nederlands Dagblad 28 June 2012.