Nominees Dutch Privacy Awards 2022 announced!
On 28 January next (the European Privacy Day), during the National Privacy Conference From ECP and Privacy First the annual Dutch Privacy Awards presented. These Awards provide a podium for companies and governments that see privacy as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm.
This year, a large number of organisations once again applied with high-quality entries to participate in the Dutch Privacy Awards. After an initial selection and several interviews, the independent expert jury determined the following nominees, in no particular order:
Score for your Club
Score for your Club would like to contribute to the connection between consumers, entrepreneurs, civil society organisations, (sports) associations and charities into one cooperating and mutually reinforcing community. In doing so, the privacy of all participants is respected. For example, participants do not need to create an account and are in charge of their own data. Scoor voor je Club's motto is: 'Buy local, support your favourite club and save for yourself'.
Scoor voor je Club's mission is to facilitate civil society organisations, such as sports associations, cultural institutions and charities with a digital ecosystem based on which AVG-proof communication and structural funding becomes possible. In this way, it becomes possible for everyone to contribute to financially healthy clubs and a healthier and happier Netherlands.
Summitto develops software for tax authorities to combat VAT fraud. Whereas existing solutions collect massive amounts of data in a centralised way that is often in plain text is stored, this solution ensures that VAT fraud can be fought without actually storing data. In doing so, Summito uses modern cryptography to optimally protect invoicing.
Privacy Rating
How do you know if a website or webshop handles your data with care? And does not sell your data to third parties without informing you as a user? Privacy Rating answers that question. Think of it as a Privacy Label, like an Energy Label, but with the aim of informing you how the website or web shop handles your personal data. This way, you as a citizen can make a conscious choice about which website or web shop to use. Privacy Rating makes transparent how much attention online websites/services pay to privacy protection. The initiative stems from the NWO project 'Security Requirements for Serious Apps (SERIOUS). This involves cooperation between various research groups of the University of Twente and social partners.
PiM, KPN's Personal Identity Manager
With the PiM app (powered by KPN), you can register, log in or identify yourself at different companies. So you have fewer apps on your phone and fewer cards in your wallet. You put data in the app, these are validated from reliable sources to which only you have access. For example, driving licence data is only provided after permission in the app. PiM promises in its terms and conditions not to use this data and, as a Dutch company, it falls under the AVG. By logging in to a website with PiM, phishing does not stand a chance, password fraud is also prevented and the user is relieved of having to remember many passwords, of course insofar as the visited websites and applications are connected to it.
'Privacy Project' by Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA)
Last year, Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA) realised three murals about online privacy within their 'Privacy Project' with the support of the municipality of Amsterdam. The artworks each shed light on the theme of privacy in their own way. With the Privacy Project, SAMA aims to highlight themes such as privacy, digital rights, anonymity on the internet and the impact of technology on society. Following a call in March 2021, more than 80 artists submitted a design for one of the three walls. From 3,000 votes by local residents, a top three for each wall was made from which the three best designs were then chosen by the jury, known as the Privacy Panel. An important criterion here was that the artwork should make people think about the issue of privacy.
The jury nominated this project because it shows that you can create awareness and start the conversation on the subject of privacy through Street Art together with residents.
Quodari is a privacy-friendly social media platform that puts users in control of their data and content. Quodari does this by allowing users to share collections of data online with friends but also make them public. Quodari really wants to be a privacy-friendly alternative to existing social media platforms, working from European values. Quodari's business model is based on value for users, such as extra storage space and extra functionalities for business or personal use. Quodari does not use advertising or exploitation of personal data. In this way, privacy risks are reduced and a financial conflict of interest is avoided. Quodari is a Dutch initiative launched in 2021. The company expects to launch a European rollout and start of a marketing campaign.
The Shuttercam project investigates the effect of shutters, so-called shields placed over cameras. In doing so, the researchers wondered what effect it would have if, as a passer-by, you could clearly see if and when a camera was on or off? And what if you could turn such a camera off yourself, just like a webcam? Using shutters, cameras are not on unnecessarily and Amsterdammers can feel safe, but less spied on. As a pilot, the Shuttercam initiative allows you as a citizen to influence how much data is recorded from you within the public domain in certain places. The initiative stems from the Responsible Sensing Lab: a collaboration between AMS Institute and the City of Amsterdam.
Jury Dutch Privacy Awards
The Awards jury consists of independent privacy experts from various sectors, in their personal capacity:
- Wilmar Hendriks, founder Control Privacy, board chair CUIC and board member Privacy First (jury chair)
- Paul Korremans, chairman Privacy First
- Melanie Rieback, CEO and co-founder Radically Open Security
- Nico Mookhoek, privacy lawyer and founder DePrivacyGuru
- Rion Rijker, privacy and information security expert and IT lawyer, partner Fresa Consulting
- Magdalena Magala, Data Protection Officer municipality of Zaanstad
- Mathieu Paapst, associate professor of IT law at the University of Groningen and project lead
- Jaap van der Wel, IT expert and privacy lawyer, managing partner Comfort Information Architects
- Erik Bruinsma, lawyer; director of strategy and management consultancy, Central Statistics Office.
Awards ceremony
During the National Privacy Conference on 28 January next, all nominated projects will be presented to the public by the entrants. The Dutch Privacy Awards will then be presented in four categories: 1) Consumer Solutions, 2) Business Solutions, 3) Government Services and 4) Incentive Award.
Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards with support from Democracy & Media Foundation and The Privacy Factory, in cooperation with ECP. Would you also like to become a (media) partner or sponsor of the Dutch Privacy Awards? Then please contact on with Privacy First!