Machine translations by Deepl, 6 December 2014: 'Summary proceedings against Dutch state over data retention obligation'

Several interested organisations, including the Dutch Association of Criminal Lawyers (NVSA), are jointly filing summary proceedings against the Dutch state.

This is because of the retention obligation that applies in the Netherlands.

The summary proceedings were brought by the NVSA, the Netherlands Association of Journalists, the Privacy First foundation, the Public Magazine Group, NDP News Media and internet provider Bit. Other telecoms providers are said to be considering joining them.

Through the summary proceedings, the organisations want to enforce an immediate end to the data retention obligation. This requires telecoms providers to retain customer data, such as their call and email behaviour.

European legislation

That retention obligation would violate European law, said Fulco Blokhuis of law firm Boekx, referring to rulings by the European Court of Justice in April this year.

Last week, the Bits of Freedom foundation already claimed that the retention obligation as it currently applies in the Netherlands violates the constitution.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Security and Justice contradicted this to at the time. (...)"

Source:, 6 December 2014.