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Pre-launch Privacy First Solutions

Privacy First Foundation initiates the next step to make the Netherlands more privacy-friendly: with Privacy First Solutions we want to lower barriers to adopting privacy-friendly solutions and motivate companies to do their bit. Will the right to privacy and commercial interests be able to meet?

Retrieved from December 2 as. we go into detail about our latest initiative. We won't leave it at words:
- Internet provider Greenhost tells how it privacy by design made it a business model.
- And we have a sneak preview Of two solutions of the National Think Tank Around Big Data & Privacy.

Of course, we will not forget two of our ongoing court cases: the Passport Trial and the lawsuit against license plate parking. We will conclude the evening with drinks.

19.00 Walk-in and welcome with coffee
19.30 Opening by Bas Filippini
19.45 Privacy First Solutions: a necessary initiative, by Martijn van der Veen
20.15  Best practices: by Sacha van Geffen, CEO and founder of Greenhost, the privacy-friendly internet service provider
20.50 Good idea 1: 'Hack your cubicle' by Anne Vos, National Think Tank
21.00 Good idea 2: 'The Data Guide' by Eva de Leede, National Think Tank
21.10 Latest developments in ongoing court cases, by Vincent Böhre
21.30 Closing and drinks

Date & time: Tuesday 2 December 2014, 7pm-2pm.

Location: Volkshotel (Petit Canvas, 7th floor), Wibautstraat 150 Amsterdam. Click HERE for directions. The new Volkshotel (former Volkskrant building) is also our office location.

Want to know more about the Privacy First Solutions initiative, or join as a volunteer? Then take contact with us.

The evening is intended for interested parties, donors and all those who want to make a positive contribution to a more privacy-friendly Netherlands. You and your guest are most welcome! Entrance is free. Would you like to register in advance via There is a limited number of places available.

PS: via our new LinkedIn group read the latest information and more about our speakers.