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Privacy First organises debate on cyber security

On 22 October next, our next "theme party" will take place at the offices of Stichting Privacy First in the former Volkskrant building on Wibautstraat in Amsterdam. As a follow-up to the recent lecture by the Head of the AIVD, we have Wil van Gemert invited to elaborate on the topic of cyber security. Mr Van Gemert is Director of Cyber Security of the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security and will deliver a lecture for us on the intersection of security and privacy in cyberspace. What exactly does cyber security entail and what are the current challenges and dilemmas? What is the role of the government with regard to cyber security developments? And how can the balance between privacy and security be found? Investigative journalist Brenno de Winter acts as moderator during the evening. During the lecture, there will be plenty of room for questions and discussion with the audience. After this, we will make our way to the drink in café-restaurant Canvas with music by DJ Wong featuring DJ Broky B.

Click HERE for the invitation to our network (pdf). Due to great interest, we have decided to make this evening semi-public. Everyone is therefore welcome. We would like to receive by email a confirmation of your arrival!

Date: Monday, 22 October 2012, starting 7.30pm. Walk-in from 7pm.
Location: Wibautstraat 150, 1091 GR Amsterdam. Lecture and discussion on ground floor (Great Hall), followed by drinks on 7th floor (Canvas). A route description can be found here.

Update 6 November 2012: click HERE For our report on the evening.