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Public debate 'Challenging business for privacy'

Successful public debate "Challenging business for privacy" results in call for privacy-friendly innovation 

From 23-26 October last, the 3-yearly Amsterdam Privacy Conference takes place: an international mega congress around all aspects of privacy. As part of our new initiative Privacy First Solutions Privacy First Foundation organised a unique discussion evening on privacy solutions for business at this conference on 26 October: "Challenging business for privacy". Our panelists were Marc van Lieshout (TNO & PI.lab), Marcel van Galen (Qiy), Sacha van Geffen (Greenhost) and Jelte Timmer (Rathenau Institute). Moderator was Privacy First Solutions project leader Martijn van der Veen. Location was the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam.

During the evening, these experts debated with each other and the audience about privacy-friendly innovation and what best practices can serve as an example in this regard. We discussed with each other the opportunities for companies to use privacy as a unique selling point deploy and privacy by design apply.

The evening resulted in our call to action to all disciplines:

Scientists, government institutions and industry will have to work together to ensure that privacy-friendly innovation becomes the norm and that the Netherlands can start developing into a Privacy Guide Country.

In particular, companies should guarantee data minimisation and give customers control over their own data. Companies should not adopt a wait-and-see attitude, but form their own concrete solutions to current privacy issues by privacy by default and privacy by design actively apply. In doing so, business can go beyond mere "compliant " be compliant with existing privacy laws and become a driving force for privacy promotion. Privacy represents a wonderful opportunity for companies to be socially responsible and innovative. The Netherlands should not miss this opportunity!

A further report on the evening will follow soon. Follow our website for new announcements of upcoming Privacy First Solutions events!

Public debate Privacy First Solutions 26 October 2015

Fltr: Marc van Lieshout, Marcel van Galen, Jelte Timmer and Sacha van Geffen. Photo: Maarten Tromp.