Machine translations by Deepl, 8 Jan 2014: 'Results AH bonus card lag behind'

Over two million consumers have activated Albert Heijn's new bonus card. Seven million new loyalty cards have now been issued. That is as many as the old cards, which have been discontinued since Monday.

Customers who activate their card online and leave personal details such as their date of birth and address will receive personalised offers. By doing so, AH hopes to attract new customers and retain old customers. Those who do not activate the card will have an 'ordinary' bonus card. (...)

The new bonus card was launched on 21 October last year and was under fire before then. The Privacy First Foundation feared that the supermarket chain would go too far if the pass data was used as a source of offers. The introduction of 'My Bonus' was postponed a year earlier because of customer uncertainty about this offer strategy."

Source:, 8 January 2014.