Machine translations by Deepl, Nov 6, 2013: 'Lawsuit against Plasterk over illegal data spying'

A coalition of citizens and organisations is starting a lawsuit against the Dutch State, represented by Interior Minister Plasterk. They demand that the State stop using data not obtained in accordance with Dutch law.

"Plasterk says he condemns the spying and eavesdropping practices of the Americans, but to the Lower House he acknowledges that data between the AIVD and the NSA are still being exchanged," the coalition said in a press release. Data obtained by the NSA in violation of Dutch law would thus end up in the hands of Dutch intelligence services. The 'Citizens against Plasterk' coalition wants that to stop. Moreover, the coalition wants Plasterk to inform citizens if data obtained from them unlawfully has been used.


'Citizens against Plasterk' consists of a number of individuals and four major organisations. They are: the Dutch Association for Criminal Lawyers, the Dutch Association for Journalists, the Internet Society Netherlands and the Privacy First Foundation.
On 27 November, Plasterk must appear at the court in The Hague to defend his policy."

Source:, 6 November 2013.