Machine translations by Deepl, 13 June 2015: 'Government wants to fight license plate fraud via chip'

"Through a special chip currently being tested on behalf of the Ministry of Security and Justice, the government wants to put an end to license plate fraud. The chip is being developed by Dutch chip manufacturer NXP. Through readers above the road, the chip can be read remotely.

"Soon there will be portals above the road with readers that also contain an antenna. This communicates with the licence plate on the car below. The reader is connected to computers of the RDW and they will pass on whether the licence plate is correct," NXP director Maurice Geraets told NOS. The chip can be read even at a speed of 160 kilometres per hour. The reader can also be used by petrol stations. Before a customer can fill up, they can first check whether the licence plate has a chip.

The Data Protection Board is critical. According to spokeswoman Lysette Rutgers, citizens should be able to move freely in their cars. She therefore thinks the need for the chip should be looked at carefully. Geraets argues that privacy concerns are unnecessary, as it does not allow patterns in driving behaviour to be established. "The chip generates continuously changing codes. It can be identified by the reader, but even if you were to query the car every day, it is not traceable where it has been before," he notes. Bas Filippini of Privacy First is uneasy about it, arguing that it is a "spy chip, which can also be used for other purposes."

Source:, 13 June 2015.