Machine translations by Deepl, 15 Feb 2013: 'Privacy First Foundation prepares legal action against bill capturing license plates: 'Every motorist becomes potential suspect''

Privacy First Foundation is preparing legal action against the bill on police retention and recording of license plates.

Privacy First Foundation sees Opstelten's bill as a threat to society. "Every citizen becomes a potential suspect because of this measure. You have to trust the government, but that government itself distrusts citizens," said Privacy First chairman Bas Filippini. In a healthy democratic rule of law, the government should leave innocent citizens alone. "With this bill, the government crosses that principled line. Collectively monitoring all motorists for detection and prosecution is completely disproportionate and therefore unlawful.

If the parliament passes this bill, Privacy First will sue the Dutch state and have the law declared non-binding due to violation of the right to privacy. If necessary, Privacy First and individual co-plaintiffs will take this to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Any citizen wishing to participate in this lawsuit can register with Privacy First starting today with reference to "ANPR Litigation"."

Source:, 15 February 2013.