Machine translations by Deepl, 23 July 2014: 'Data sharing AIVD+MIVD & NSA OK'

"The Dutch intelligence services AIVD and MIVD may continue to exchange telecommunications information with the US NSA. This was ruled by the court in The Hague today (...).

America is allowed to intercept telecommunications going over cable. The AIVD and MIVD are not allowed to do so, but they can obtain huge amounts of information through the NSA.

National security

The judge swept aside the argument that this would allow the AIVD and MIVD to obtain information they would normally never be allowed to intercept under Dutch law. According to the judge, that is no reason to stop the entire exchange of telecommunications. After all, the info may be of great importance for national security.

The case had been brought by the Criminal Lawyers Association, the Association of Journalists and the Privacy First foundation, among others. The groups believe that citizens' privacy is being altered too much.

The NSA has been discredited because this US security agency is controversially, massively collecting privacy-sensitive information worldwide. Also from 'ordinary citizens'."
