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Telegraph & Metro, 5 February 2015: 'Action against license plate parking'

Battle continues after court ruling

The Privacy First foundation is calling for civil disobedience by no longer entering correct license plates at the city's parking bollards.

Mass protests should ensure that administrative costs for Cition become too high and the controversial license plate parking is abolished. The foundation today put a model objection notice on its website that allows parkers to object to fines.

Objection success

Anyone wishing to park in Amsterdam must compulsorily enter their number plate by Cition. If an incorrect number plate is entered but paid for, the fine can be successfully appealed. The court ruled that showing proof of payment is enough, entering a license plate is not a requirement.

License plate parking was a cost-cutting measure that saved millions by allowing Cition to work more efficiently. But once parkers stop entering license plates correctly and object en masse to wrongly issued fines, the enforcement costs for Cition become much higher, Privacy First expects. And with that, license plate parking could become so unprofitable that the municipality and Cition will stop using it again.

'Right to anonymity'

The court did not address the question of whether license plate parking infringes on the privacy of parkers. Therefore, both Privacy First and the municipality are considering appealing the earlier verdict. "You have the right to anonymity in the public space, and we believe that includes the right to anonymous parking," the foundation said. "Once you have entered a license plate number, it is possible to find out who you are and where you are at the push of a button. We find it a frightening idea that the government can track such things."

In addition, Privacy First thinks it is high time the information on parking meters was updated. Now, it is still there to read that the license plate number must be entered compulsorily."

Source: Telegraaf 5 February 2015, Amsterdam section, p. 1. Also published in daily Metro (Amsterdam edition), p. A3 and on