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Various regional newspapers, 28 April 2011: 'Our main goal has been achieved'

"The foundation Privacy First is satisfied that there will be no database of fingerprints. "The main goal of our foundation has been achieved," a spokesperson for the foundation said.
Privacy First is not surprised by the cancellation of a nationwide store. "Recently, the social pressure increased. Especially after the critical hearing last week, this does not surprise us," the spokesperson said.
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (CBP) is pleased that fingerprints will not be stored in a national database for the time being. "We have also been critical of this in the past," it said. CBP chairman Jacob Kohnstamm called the central database a violation of privacy last year."

Source: De Stentor, BN/DeStem, Brabants Dagblad, De Gelderlander, Limburgs Dagblad, Eindhovens Dagblad, Dagblad Flevoland, Twentse Courant Tubantia, Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant, etc., 28 April 2011.