Nominees Dutch Privacy Awards 2023 announced!
On 25 January next, the annual Dutch Privacy Awards will be presented at the National Privacy Conference organised by ECP and Privacy First. These Awards offer a podium to organisations that see privacy as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm.

This year, a large number of organisations once again applied with high-quality entries to participate in the Dutch Privacy Awards. After an initial selection and several interviews, the independent expert jury determined the following nominees, in no particular order:
When buying and transferring houses, among others, buyers, sellers, estate agents, notaries and banks exchange many confidential documents via email. The solution Linckr (from Urben Prime) makes it possible to replace this unsafe process with a secure website with secure connections to all parties. This has been technically possible for some time but technology alone does not make a safer society. Linckr does with a combination of entrepreneurship, technology, funding and service to all parties and that is the reason to nominate them for a Privacy Award.
MediaJungle's target group consists of people with mild intellectual disability (LVB) and they are approached and informed about their privacy position in different ways. Privacy is quite abstract for this target group and MediaJungle tries to make people more resilient. They do this in a comprehensible and accessible way: education takes place using game cards and visualisation, which encourages action/thinking.
Besides teaching this target group about privacy and digital resilience, MediaJungle also devotes a lot of attention to making the thin line between victim and perpetrator of digital harassment visible. This mainly because this target group has more difficulty in making that distinction than the average fellow human when it comes to shielding personal situations and assessing sensitive circumstances. MediaJungle's mission resembles a movement (enthusiasm) and their motivation to make it succeed is great. For that reason, the jury thinks this is a great party to nominate.
Donor Interests Foundation
Stichting Donateursbelangen is committed to increasing transparency on how charities handle donor privacy. The focus of Donateurs' Interests is on exposing proper application of data minimisation.
Under privacy laws, as a charity you are only allowed to collect personal data that is strictly necessary to achieve a legitimate purpose. Through its database, Donateursbelangen makes it clear which personal data must be shared by a donor and what it is used for by the charity. By making this transparent, Donateursbelangen makes it easier for donors to decide with which charity they want to share their data and, above all, what all happens to the data after sharing.
Donors' Interests was nominated because they contribute in a positive way to donors' privacy awareness. In addition, their database ensures that charities are critical of what personal data they collect, for what purpose and the level of transparency around it.
The AVG's obligation to anonymise information for disclosure represents a substantial privacy improvement, but also leads to major implementation complications for public and private parties. Anonimizer (from Bolesian) is a low-threshold tool to automatically publish documents, photos and videos securely privacy-proofed. It can be applied independently of structure and the tool uses machine learning as well as knowledge technology. Anonimizer's innovative AI software makes it possible to quickly and automatically anonymise large quantities of documents as well as photos and even videos with very high quality. The product offers a practical solution for governments but also for private parties to comply with privacy law and therefore, in the opinion of the jury, deserves a nomination for the Privacy Awards.
Children's DPIA of Privacy at School aims to raise awareness among teachers and children about the child's privacy rights at school (primary and secondary education). A concrete example that the initiative is currently working on is the drafting of a "Children's DPIA" on school viewing software on children's screens. It happens that viewing software is switched on in the morning and off in the evening so that children are monitored throughout the day, without the importance being clear. It can also happen that, in the case of screens borrowed from school, the viewing software remains on in the evening at the children's homes. A clear notification and/or switching on and off for an intended purpose can help, as can awareness-raising about software background and data storage, for example. In this way, Privacy at School's KinderDPIA initiative contributes to raising awareness of privacy within the education domain, which has recently come under strong social scrutiny.
A map of the Netherlands showing all cyber incidents such as hacks and data breaches since 2016 is available on the website It shows how these arose and what the consequences were (as far as known). Only information from reliable sources and media is used.
With this, Cybercard provides more insight and transparency to prevent even more companies and organisations from becoming victims.
Responsible Sensing Lab's Shutterring project aims to create a more responsible smart doorbell by safeguarding the privacy of passers-by and owners while maintaining the device's core functionality.
Similar to the slider for a webcam, people coming to the door slide up the 'shutter' on the smart doorbell. This briefly makes themselves visible and allows them to ring the bell. This way, only the person in front of the camera is in view.
Jury Dutch Privacy Awards
The Awards jury consists of independent privacy experts from various sectors, in their personal capacity:
- Magdalena Magala
Professional coordinator AVG, Tax Office (jury chair) - Paul Korremans
Chairman Privacy First - Rion Rijker
Privacy and information security expert and IT lawyer, Rijker Advies & Educatie - Mathieu Paapst
University lecturer in IT law at the University of Groningen - Jaap van der Wel
IT expert and privacy lawyer, managing partner Comfort Information Architects - Erik Bruinsma
Lawyer; director of strategy and management consulting, Central Bureau of Statistics - Mabel de Vries
Data protection officer and senior information security, risk and privacy advisor - Walter van Wijk
Community manager privacy, Centre for Information Security and Privacy Protection.
Awards ceremony
In the run-up to European Privacy Day, during the National Privacy Conference on 25 January next, all nominated projects will be presented to the public by the entrants. The Dutch Privacy Awards will then be presented in four possible categories: 1) Consumer Solutions, 2) Corporate Solutions, 3) Non-profit and 4) Incentive Award.
Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards in cooperation with ECP, with support from Molenaar & Plasman Solutions. Would you also like to become a sponsor or media partner of the Dutch Privacy Awards? Then please contact Privacy First!