Machine translations by Deepl, 10 June 2014: 'Fire letter to House over medical data sharing'

"Fearing a bill that threatens to legitimise generic consent for sharing medical data, privacy organisation Privacy First has launched a fire letter sent to the House of Representatives. The letter urges the House to maintain the specific permission.

Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will debate bill 33509, which deals with client rights in healthcare. Privacy First argues that the proposal, despite its name, weakens rather than strengthens client rights in healthcare. "Especially on the issue of consent and control over the exchange of medical data, the proposal goes in the wrong direction," the organisation informs.

Choice option

The new law introduces generic consent as a 'choice option' for clients. This will soon effectively give patients the choice to give away their rights, following the US model. Privacy First notes that this violates privacy laws, in particular strict European regulations and case law on the sharing of medical data.

Also as a choice option, generic consent goes against all existing European treaties, regulations and case law on informed consent. In addition, the bill would hardly seem practicable for healthcare providers. Privacy First asked a total of five questions about the bill and the situation around the National Switch Point (LSP), as the former Electronic Patient Record is called.

Crucial day

Besides the parliamentary debate, the Utrecht court is expected to deliver an important ruling tomorrow in the lawsuit filed by the Association of Practising GPs against VZVZ on the illegality of the National Switch Point. "This Wednesday thus promises to be a crucial day for the future of the right to medical privacy in the Netherlands," says Privacy First's Vincent Böhre."

Source:, 10 June 2014.