Machine translations by Deepl, 5 February 2015: 'Privacy First calls for objection action to license plate parking Amsterdam'

Privacy organisation Privacy First is calling on citizens of Amsterdam to join an objection campaign against license plate parking in Amsterdam.

The organisation reports this on its website.

The reason for the objection action is the growing number of queries received by the organisation from citizens receiving parking fines for not entering their license plate number at a parking meter. Complaints about this come in to the organisation on a daily basis.

The municipality of Amsterdam may not impose a parking fine on parkers who enter their license plate number incorrectly but can prove that they have paid. This was decided by the Amsterdam court last week.

But despite this, parking fines are still being handed out so says Privacy First. The organisation is therefore calling on residents of Amsterdam to object to the parking fines.

Handling of objections

The municipality of Amsterdam has to deal with the objections received. If those objections show that parking was paid for, the objection will be upheld. As a result, the fines will be cancelled.

Privacy First is making the call to Amsterdam parkers because, according to the organisation, citizens should be able to indicate whether they want to park anonymously, or enter their license plate number. Now, you can only park in Amsterdam if the car's license plate is entered.

Cost savings

Amsterdam was one of the first municipalities to introduce 'license plate parking'. The checks using scan cars lead to substantial cost savings, as fewer inspectors are needed and no paper parking tickets need to be issued.

Some other cities too have now introduced this way of paid parking."

Source:, 5 February 2015.