Announcement UvA Academy Masterclass: Privacy in Perspective
UvA Academy Masterclass: privacy viewed from legal, technological, economic, psychological and ethical perspective
From 3 March to 14 April 2021 finds at the UvA Academy a special Masterclass place on privacy, called Privacy in Perspective. This Masterclass is suitable for privacy professionals such as privacy officers, data protection officers, cybersecurity specialists, marketers, lawyers, lawyers, policy officers, managers and consultants who deal with legal, economic, ethical, technical and organisational issues and change processes related to privacy and the processing, storage and use of personal data. It gives you a refreshing perspective on privacy from different perspectives. With new insights from science and practice, you can find better solutions to concrete privacy issues and work in a focused way on the design and realisation of the privacy policy for your organisation.
In seven modules, numerous privacy topics will be taught by various subject teachers. In week 7, Privacy First will participate in the House of Commons debate.
The Masterclass will include:
- Privacy: history and deeper meaning (social, psychological, physical and informational privacy; a situational fundamental right).
- What are the backgrounds and changes in privacy laws and regulations and what impact do they have on people, government and organisations?
- How people handle their privacy: the privacy paradox. The difference between thinking and doing.
- The meaning of privacy for people. Insights from psychology and sociology.
- Privacy in relation to developments in (digital) technology: from drones, sensors, biometrics, social media data, cookies, location data to satellite data, cyberhacks and AI. What can and what is allowed when?
- How organisations do business with data, the new oil to improve competitiveness. What can and what is allowed when?
- How to implement an effective and efficient privacy policy within your organisation.
Last but not least will work on real-life case studies and issues affecting participants and their organisations.
Click HERE for more information and to sign up.