Debate night 12 December 2023 on Internet of Things
On Tuesday 12 December next, Privacy First is organising another debate evening, this time on the Internet of Things and how it affects our privacy. Get inspired by our speakers and join the discussion. Admission is free.

Internet of Things
In 2015, Eric Schmidt (former CEO Google) announced the 'end of the internet', by which he mainly meant to indicate that in the future, everything will be connected to everything: the 'Internet of Things' (IoT). The internet is not really disappearing, but becoming invisible. As humans, we enter a panopticon: we can be seen, but do not know by whom, when and what we reveal of ourselves. Those 'things' in that 'Internet of Things' are being developed now and will soon be commonplace. More and more physical products and objects will start communicating with the outside world. What will be the privacy impact of using your car, your energy-saving thermostat, your fridge, pedometer etc? How free will we as humans still be in a world of connected cars, smart homes, wearables and smart cities? On 12 December next, the following speakers will shed light on these issues:
– Ruben Brave (chairman Internet Society Netherlands)
– Sander Klous (Privacy First board member and professor at the University of Amsterdam)
– Vivien Butot (PhD student Erasmus University)
– Jurjen Lengkeek (IoT Academy).
Moderator during the evening is Hein Wils (Responsible Sensing Lab).
Everyone is welcome, admission is free. However, donations to Privacy First are greatly appreciated. You can register via our online application form or via, but is not mandatory.
Date and time: Tuesday 12 December 2023, 20:00-22:00 (walk-in from 19:30, drinks afterwards).
Location: The Eagle (Hanenbalken room, 2nd floor), Hoogstraat 37, Abcoude.
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