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Dutch Privacy Awards 2018

Retrieved from 30 January 2018 will be presented by Privacy First at Amsterdam's Volkshotel the new Dutch Privacy Awards awarded.

There are four categories for which entries can be nominated:

  1. category Consumer solutions (from businesses for consumers) 

  2. category Business solutions (within a company or business-to-business)

  3. category Government services (from government for citizens)

  4. incentive prize for a pioneering technology or person.

The Dutch Privacy Awards give a podium to companies and governments that see Privacy as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively. "The winners are important forerunners in a new industry in which the Netherlands can become an international Privacy Guide Country", said Privacy First founder Bas Filippini, chairman of the independent jury.

Conditions for participation

The condition for participation is that you are already working on your Privacy Innovation. You have passed the idea phase and can already show something of the project in progress. With your project, you provide inspiration to other organisations so that Privacy is not seen as an obstacle, but as an opportunity!

The first selection consists of a screening on which the following will be dealt with:

(a) Having a privacy officer (FG, PO) in the organisation

(b) Application of a privacy policy

(c) Application of risk analysis(s)

(d) Privacy awareness in the organisation

(e) An insightful privacy policy and communication thereof.

Then the contestants who are nominated are screened for things like:

f) Innovative ability: the product, process or service offers a privacy novelty and has not yet been technically and/or commercially proven in the market;

g) Social impact: the innovation contributes to privacy and benefits the protection of personal data and the individual;

h) Focus: the product, process or service adds significant value to the market/consumer;

i) Self-reliance: the product, process or service is economically realisable within a realistic timeframe (ca 3 years). There is a business model.

There is also the possibility that the jury will make an announced company visit to the nominee.

Determining the nominees

Organisations may apply until 30 November 2017 for the Awards by sending an email briefly explaining the relevant Privacy Project and responding to points (a) to (i) above to Privacy First at In mid-December 2017, you will hear whether you are among the nominees. If you are nominated, you will receive an invitation from Privacy First to prepare a short pitch during the Awards ceremony.

Rules pitch

● Maximum 3 minutes

● You will use a Powerpoint presentation (up to 3 sheets)

● The presentation will include at least the following items:

    o Organisation name

    o Privacy project description

    o Target and results achieved.


The jury consists of independent privacy experts from various sectors:

> Bas Filippini, founder and chairman Privacy First (jury chairman)
> Paul Korremans, data protection & security professional, Comfort Information Architects
> Marie-José Bonthuis, owner IT's Privacy
> Bart van der Sloot, senior researcher, Tilburg University
> Marjolein Lanzing, PhD candidate in Philosophy & Ethics, Eindhoven University of Technology.

To ensure that the election of the Awards is objective, the jury is not allowed to judge an entry from its own organisation.

Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards with support from Democracy & Media Foundation and Adessium Foundation, in partnership with ECP. Would you also like to become a partner of the Dutch Privacy Awards? Then get in touch with Privacy First!