Winners Dutch Privacy Awards 2024 announced!
At the National Privacy Conference of Privacy First and ECP today, the Dutch Privacy Awards awarded. The winners of the Dutch Privacy Awards 2024 are:
- Jet-Stream (Engineering category)
- Privacy Simulation (Awareness category)
- Public Transport Groningen Drenthe (Application category)
- Oasys Now (Incentive prize)
The Dutch Privacy Awards offer a podium to organisations and initiatives that see privacy protection as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm. These Awards are organised annually by Privacy First around European Privacy Day.

It is an honour to assess and nominate these wonderful inspiring initiatives together with fellow judges for 2024! The Dutch Privacy Awards put privacy-friendly initiatives in the spotlight to counterbalance the many negative news about privacy. From the strong field of participants, we came to no fewer than nine nominations of organisations and initiatives that have made privacy their spearhead or even mission.

WINNER: Jet-Stream
Jet-Stream is a streaming service that has managed to turn protecting viewers' privacy into a revenue model. The software they have developed is innovative and unique because it does not send advertisers personal data from these viewers, but only anonymised data and data on context of the stream watched. Because there is no need to ask permission for this, and the AI they have developed does make it possible to truly target advertising, this 'contextualised advertisement' ultimately yields even more ad revenue than the usual personalised ads based on individual profiles of viewers.
Jet-Stream's operations are steeped in privacy-consciousness. For instance, they have set up their own cloud that is 100% Dutch, employ only EU employees, and the company is entirely Dutch-owned. Furthermore, they use no cookies and no trackers in their software. Moreover, their self-developed video player does not share any generated data with their customers.
The jury therefore declared Jet-Stream the winner of the Dutch Privacy Award 2024 in the Technology category.

WINNER: Public Transport Groningen Drenthe
Public Transport Groningen Drenthe is committed to cooperation between government and transport providers to ensure a social and inclusive transport offer in the region. Effective cooperation requires an understanding of travel needs and travel behaviour of the relevant target groups. Collaboration on personal data is especially sensitive when it involves a vulnerable group, such as Wmo recipients in this case.
In collaboration with Roseman Labs, Public Transport Groningen Drenthe has been working to find the best available privacy protection for analysing travel behaviour without access to travellers' personal data from multiple transport organisations. This in an environment where this type of analysis has not yet been applied or is limited.
The jury declares Public Transport Groningen Drenthe the winner of the Dutch Privacy Award 2024 in the Application category.

WINNER: Privacy Simulation
Privacy Simulation is a game format that teaches your colleagues how to appropriately handle personal information in a fun way. They learn how an organisation can guard against data breaches and recognise crisis situations.
It is a tool to raise awareness about privacy protection in organisations in a playful, interactive and original way with two levels and offers ample opportunities to supplement content and with maturity levels. No automatic click-through questions, like many e-learnings, but real interaction and a beautiful interface. It makes strengthening the organisation on privacy attractive and thus contributes to higher privacy levels in organisations.
The jury therefore declared Privacy Simulation the winner for the Dutch Privacy Award 2024 in the Awareness category.

Oasys Now has developed a platform on which patients worldwide can participate more safely and quickly in clinical trials. For that, the very specific requirements to participate in a particular trial, linked to genetic data and profiles of patients who want to be considered for participation. This provides enormous acceleration for drug development; a quick and good match can make a difference for years. This obviously benefits patients with chronic or rare diseases, but they retain 'ownership' of their own medical personal data and it is their own decision whether or not to participate and for how long. Patients can per trial indicate, in close consultation with their own treating physician, which trial could possibly be useful to them.
Oasys Now is a young company still at the beginning of developments.
Given all this, the jury awards Oasys Now the Incentive Award for the Dutch Privacy Award 2024.
From the various entries, the independent expert jury had the following nominees selected:
- BlueGen-ai
- Databoss
- Jet-Stream
- Linksight
- Oasys Now
- Privacy Simulation
- Proofme
- Public Transport Groningen Drenthe.
During the National Privacy Conference, all nominees presented themselves to the jury and the audience through video pitches. The Dutch Privacy Awards were then presented by the jury. Click HERE for the entire jury report (pdf) with participation criteria and explanation of all nominees and winners.
National Privacy Conference
The National Privacy Conference is an initiative of ECP and Privacy First. This conference annually brings together Dutch business, government, science and civil society to jointly build a privacy-friendly information society.
Speakers at the National Privacy Conference 2024 were successively:
- Marjolijn Bonthuis (deputy director ECP)
- Paul Korremans and Sander Klous (board members Privacy First)
- Katja Mur (board member Personal Data Authority)
- Sjoera Nas (senior privacy advisor, Privacy Company)
- José van Dijck (university professor of media and digital society, Utrecht University)
- Larissa Zegveld (chair of the Standardisation Forum)
- Sabrina van Miltenburg (programme manager digital and safe education, Kennisnet Foundation)
- Jaap van der Wel (jury chairman Dutch Privacy Awards).
Chairman of the day was presenter Tom Jessen. Location of the conference was De Glazen Zaal in The Hague; a video report will follow soon.
Jury Dutch Privacy Awards
The Awards jury consists of independent privacy experts from various sectors, in their personal capacity:
- Jaap van der Wel (jury chairman)
IT expert and privacy lawyer, managing partner Comfort Information Architects - Mabel de Vries
Data protection officer and senior information security, risk and privacy advisor - Erik Bruinsma
Lawyer; director of strategy and management consulting, Central Bureau of Statistics - Magdalena Magala
Specialist coordinator AVG, Tax Office - Mathieu Paapst
University lecturer in IT law, University of Groningen - Rion Rijker
Privacy and information security expert and IT lawyer, Rijker Advies & Educatie - Sanne van de Velde
Privacy lawyer, head of department General Administrative-Legal Affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management - Koen Versmissen
Owner Expertise Centre for Data Ethics - Walter van Wijk
Community manager privacy, Centre for Information Security and Privacy Protection.
To ensure that the election of the Awards is conducted objectively, the jury is not allowed to judge an entry from its own organisation or an organisation in which a jury member has an interest.
Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards in partnership with ECP, with support from Molenaar & Plasman Solutions. Pre-registrations for the Dutch Privacy Awards 2025 are already welcome!
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