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Letter from Privacy First to State Law Commission

In November 2022, the cabinet approved the Rule of Law Commission established. The task of this State Commission is to "analyse, from the perspective of citizens, the functioning of the rule of law and make proposals for strengthening it." Recently, Privacy First received a request from the State Commission to share our experiences and ideas for strengthening the rule of law with the State Commission through a short letter.

Source: Pexels

Privacy First has been concerned for years about the Dutch rule of law and its increasing erosion. In our letter to the State Commission for the Rule of Law, we therefore highlighted the following issues:

  • Constitutional review
  • Poor legal protection for citizens in the digital age
  • Access to justice for interest groups
  • Referendum
  • Extra-legal data processing by the government
  • Exchange of personal data by supervisors
  • Privatisation of government functions
  • Open government.

Read HERE our full letter (pdf) as submitted by Privacy First on 14 July last and also published on the State Commission website. See also the submitted letters from other organisations and professors.

Privacy First views the activities and future opinions of the State Commission with great interest.