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Dutch daily, 27 Aug 2012: 'Foundation considers case over cameras'

Privacy First Foundation may go to court to ban the deployment of cameras at the border. The club says the system violates privacy laws despite approval from the European Commission.

The cameras were introduced earlier this month at 15 locations along the Dutch border. This allows the military police to act more effectively against human trafficking or illegal migration, for example. Suspicious cars that fall under a risk profile are picked out and checked.

According to Privacy First, there is still no specific legal basis for the system dubbed @migoboras and everyone on border roads thus becomes "a potential suspect". The club further called the measure unnecessary and disproportionate.

The cameras were controversial when they were announced because of the invasion of privacy. The checks may have violated the Schengen agreement on the free movement of people and goods within Europe, but according to the European Court [sic] is no such thing." (Source)

Postscript Privacy First: recently, the European Commission (after superficial investigation) green lighted for the operationalisation of a slimmed-down "light-version" of @migo-Boras. However, contrary to the above news, there is no green light from the European Court of Justice: this court approved recently only approved the KMar's already existing Mobile Surveillance on Dutch border roads. The Court has not ruled on @migo-Boras; it will do so as soon as a Dutch court submits a so-called 'preliminary question' to the Court about it, or as soon as the Netherlands is brought before the Court.