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Webwereld, 2 Feb 2011: 'Privacy First loses lawsuit over fingerprints'

"The Privacy First foundation and the 21 individual complainants have been declared inadmissible with their complaint that the State is violating fundamental rights with the central fingerprint database.

The court case against the controversial plans for a central database of fingerprints has stalled for now. The complainants and their advocate foundation Privacy First have been declared inadmissible by the Hague court. They should have complained to the administrative court, reads the dismissive verdict in a nutshell.

Pingpong with burgers

Therefore, the court does not get to a substantive discussion on the legality of the database.

Privacy First reacts dismayed. "Very sad. We are now studying the verdict, but find it incomprehensible. There are a number of cases pending before the administrative courts and there the country's lawyer says precisely that complainants can also take other routes. It is ping-pong with citizens."

The Netherlands wants to be one of the few countries to centrally store the fingerprints included in passports, and also make them available for investigation purposes. (...)"

Read HERE the entire article in Webwereld.