Our themes
Everywhere you walk in public these days there are cameras. In subway stations, trains, along roads, in public buildings, etc. It's not always noticeable, and maybe it even makes you feel safe.
But how long is that data kept? And what are they used for? In a network with private security, video doorbells and the addition of facial recognition, innocent citizens can be tracked anytime, anywhere.
Privacy First believes that surveillance should not become mass surveillance. We monitor, lobby and litigate from the fundamental starting point that everyone should be able to make their own choices and move freely. Offline and online. Every citizen is innocent until proven guilty.

Report on public event 'Access to Justice'

Who will have access to the UBO register?

Criticism of CSAM, eIDAS and digital euro at Privacy Conference

Smart street lighting, is it privacy-friendly?

Privacy First criticises legislative wishes participants data protection roundtable

Civil society 'transparency' bill fits into negative trend

Privacy First asks House of Representatives not to agree to public UBO register

Compliance with financial sanctions should not lead to violation of civil rights

No carte blanche DNB and AFM for massive data processing

'Big Brother law' dangerous recipe for series of new benefits scandals

CPDP - AI & 14 dataspaces

Non-profit bill undermines civil society

Welcome to data communism

Your bank account: the shortcut to your private life (part 4)

Tens of thousands of citizens in person-centred approach

Mass claim CUIC against virus scanner Avast launched