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Winners Dutch Privacy Awards 2022 announced!

At Privacy First and ECP's National Privacy Conference today, on European Privacy Day, the Dutch Privacy Awards awarded.


The winners of the Dutch Privacy Awards 2022 are:

  • Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA)
  • Quodari
  • Summitto
  • Centre for Information Security and Privacy Protection (CIP)

The Dutch Privacy Awards offer a podium to companies and governments that see Privacy as an opportunity to distinguish themselves positively and make privacy-friendly business and innovation the norm.

Jury chairman Wilmar Hendriks: "Privacy usually comes in the news when things have gone badly wrong. And increasingly with high fines and lawsuits with big loss of face. But there may also be a focus on 'the bright side of privacy', where something saves time and money and promotes effectiveness."

Dutch Privacy Award
Dutch Privacy Award

WINNER: Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA)

Connecting privacy and art in a project that aims to raise awareness among residents is a unique form that pleasantly surprised the jury. With the Privacy Project SAMA allows themes such as privacy, digital rights, anonymity on the internet and the impact of technology on society to capture the imagination. More than 80 artists were invited to create a design from which 3 murals were chosen. Local residents were involved in the design choice by expressing their preference through voting.

Raising awareness was one of the main goals of this project. With critical reflections, artists encouraged residents to think about privacy. For SAMA, the Privacy Project was a new adventure involving murals in three vulnerable neighbourhoods in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, Noord and Zuidoost.

The jury believes that this project shows that you can bring privacy close to residents through, for example, graffiti-art murals. But also the whole process in which residents participate in thinking about the topics and realisation helps to give meaning to an abstract concept like privacy.

The jury expresses the wish that this project will be emulated in many other cities and especially vulnerable neighbourhoods where residents are not yet sufficiently aware of what happens to their data and how important it is to be able to make choices with whom to share it.

WINNER: Quodari

Quodari is a privacy-friendly social media platform that puts users in control of their data and content. Quodari does this by enabling users to share collections of data online with friends but also make them public. Quodari really wants to be a privacy-friendly alternative to existing social media platforms, working from European values. Quodari's business model is based on value for users, such as extra storage space and extra functionalities for business or personal use. Quodari does not aim to attract users to the platform for as long as possible. Quodari does not use advertising or exploitation of personal data. In this way, privacy risks are reduced and a financial conflict of interest is avoided. Quodari is a Dutch initiative launched in 2021. The company expects a European rollout and start of a marketing campaign this year.

In the jury's opinion, Quodari is a successful attempt to offer an alternative to existing social media platforms, where privacy is paramount and users are truly in control of their data. Users for whom privacy is paramount have a fair alternative to BigTech with Quodari. That was the reason for the jury to award Quodari a Dutch Privacy Award.

WINNER: Summitto

Summitto develops software for tax authorities to combat VAT fraud. Whereas existing solutions collect massive amounts of data in a centralised manner that is often stored in plain text, this solution ensures that VAT fraud can be fought without actually storing any data. In doing so, Summitto uses modern cryptography to optimally protect invoicing. The product is an open-source commercial-of-the-shelf product that can help tax authorities digitise VAT in a privacy-friendly way. Summitto has received grants from the European Horizon-2020 programme for Innovation. The company is in close contact with key players in the VAT world, including the European Commission, various governments and the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD).

With this original approach, Summitto connects the social importance of fighting VAT fraud with high privacy values. Summitto shows that a privacy-friendly approach can also contribute maximally to the fight against fraud. The approach has now attracted a lot of attention at European level and from experts. The jury was very charmed by the practical applicability combined with privacy standard and declared Summitto the winner in the Government category.

WINNER Incentive prize: Centre for Information Security and Privacy Protection (CIP)

This year, the jury chose to award the Incentive Award to the Centre for Information Security and Privacy Protection (CIP).

Over the past year, despite the pandemic, the CIP has made a huge effort to keep its network updated with many topics through digital webinars, podcasts, workshops and games. They now have quite a library of information on YouTube that is accessible to all. Privacy is an important topic for the CIP on which they have now published 22 products.

The CIP works on the basis of 'for all, by all'! And that is shaped by this public-private network organisation by a passionate team of CIP professionals who work together with the network members and its partners on practical and useful products in the field of privacy protection, ethics and information security.

The CIP is also on top of current affairs and constantly comes up with new topical issues that they pick up from their participants and partners. Important contributions are made to practical and actionable solutions to better protect citizens' privacy and information.

The jury expresses its deep appreciation for the CIP's achievements and encourages them to continue their important work accessible to government, industry, organisations and users.


There are four categories for which entries could be nominated:

  1. Consumer Solutions category (from businesses for consumers)
  2. category Business solutions (within a company or business-to-business)
  3. category Public services (from government for citizens)
  4. Incentive award for a pioneering technology, person or organisation.

From the various entries, the independent expert jury had determined the following nominees in each category, in no particular order:

  1. Score for your Club
  2. Summitto
  3. Privacy Rating
  4. PiM, KPN's Personal Identity Manager
  5. 'Privacy Project' by Street Art Museum Amsterdam (SAMA)
  6. Quodari
  7. Shuttercam.

During the National Privacy Conference all nominees presented their projects to the digital audience through Award pitches. The Awards were then presented. Click HERE for the entire jury report (pdf) with participation criteria and explanation of all nominees and winners.

National Privacy Conference

The National Privacy Conference is an initiative of ECP and Privacy First. This conference annually brings together Dutch business, government, science and civil society to jointly build a privacy-friendly information society. Mission of the National Privacy Conference and the Dutch Privacy Awards is to develop the Netherlands into an international Privacy Guide Country. Privacy by design is the key to this.

Speakers at the National Privacy Conference 2022 were successively:

  • Marjolijn Bonthuis (deputy director ECP)
  • Monique Verdier (vice-president Personal Data Authority)
  • Martin Vliem (National Security Officer, Microsoft)
  • Max Schrems, founder None of Your Business (NOYB)
  • Haroon Sheikh (senior scientist, WRR)
  • Gry Hasselbalch (co-founder, European thinkdotank DataEthics)
  • Paul Korremans (chairman Privacy First)
  • Wilmar Hendriks (jury chairman Dutch Privacy Awards).

The chairman of the day was presenter Tom Jessen. The entire conference was streamed live from Nieuwspoort and is available at

Jury Dutch Privacy Awards

The Awards jury consists of independent privacy experts from various sectors, in their personal capacity:

  • Wilmar Hendriks, founder Control Privacy, board chair CUIC and board member Privacy First (jury chair)
  • Paul Korremans, chairman Privacy First
  • Melanie Rieback, CEO and co-founder Radically Open Security
  • Nico Mookhoek, privacy lawyer and founder DePrivacyGuru
  • Rion Rijker, privacy and information security expert and IT lawyer, partner Fresa Consulting
  • Magdalena Magala, Data protection officer municipality of Zaanstad
  • Mathieu Paapst, associate professor of IT law at the University of Groningen and project lead
  • Jaap van der Wel, IT expert and privacy lawyer, managing partner Comfort Information Architects
  • Erik Bruinsma, lawyer; director of strategy and management consulting, Central Bureau of Statistics.

To ensure that the election of the Awards is conducted objectively, the jury is not allowed to judge an entry from its own organisation or an organisation in which a jury member has an interest. Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards with support from Democracy & Media Foundation and The Privacy Factory, in cooperation with ECP.

Preregistrations for the Dutch Privacy Awards 2023 are already welcome!

Would you like to become a sponsor or (media) partner of the Dutch Privacy Awards? Then get in touch with Privacy First!

National Privacy Conference 2022

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