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National Privacy Conference 2023

For the sixth consecutive time, ECP and Privacy First will organise the annual National Privacy Conference on Wednesday 25 January 2023. This is the annual Dutch privacy event around the European Privacy Day.

The conference will include the presentation of the Dutch Privacy Awards. The aim of the conference and the Awards is to jointly build a privacy-friendly information society with business, government and science. The overarching theme of the National Privacy Conference this time is Financial Privacy. The conference will take place in the Glazen Zaal in The Hague, but can also be followed online via a livestream.

Largely under the radar, a worrying trend towards overall financial surveillance has been under way for years, with governments and corporations able to track and monitor citizens and organisations in detail based on transaction data. In this context, the conference zooms in on the so-called "banking dragnet" and the Transaction Monitoring Netherlands initiative, the Central Bank Digital Currency, anti-money laundering, bitcoin and crypto, among others. In addition to various speakers on these topics, the conference will feature video pitches from the nominees for the Dutch Privacy Awards. At the end of the conference, the Privacy Awards will be presented to the winners by Privacy First.

Preliminary programme

9.30 Walk-in
10.00 Start of conference, opening by chairman of the day Tom Jessen and Marjolijn Bonthuis (ECP)
10.10 Ellen Timmer - 'Setting the scene' financial privacy, what are we really talking about?
10.35 Interview with Katja Mur (Personal Data Authority) on Transaction Monitoring Netherlands (TMNL). What is it and what about privacy around TMNL?
11.10 Break
11.30 Bert Slagter on Central Bank Digital Currency and privacy. What exactly is CBDC? What is its relationship with digital identity? Is this a necessary step towards a new financial system or are we heading towards a dystopian society?
12.00 Simon Lelieveldt on bitcoin, crypto, money laundering etc.
12.25 Paul Korremans on Privacy First Foundation
12.40 Dutch Privacy Awards ceremony
13.00-14.00 Lunch

Date: Wednesday 25 January 2023
Location: De Glazen Zaal (The Hague) and online
Sign up: via the ECP website

Privacy First organises the Dutch Privacy Awards in cooperation with ECP, with support from Molenaar & Plasman Solutions. Would you also like to become a sponsor or media partner of the Dutch Privacy Awards? Then contact Privacy First!

National Privacy Conference 2023

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