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Public debate Privacy First on medical privacy

Where will your medical records be tomorrow?

"Digital communication in healthcare: why isn't it regulated yet!"

Eleven years after the demise of the National Electronic Patient File, digital healthcare communication is still considered a chronic headache. Although the drawbacks of the "file with a thousand doors at the back" are clear, a better alternative has so far failed to materialise. The patient lobby and healthcare provider umbrella organisations remained staunch supporters of the EHR system, and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport also continued to support the operation of a nationwide, centrally accessible system through legislation and regulations.

With the Electronic Data Interchange in Healthcare Act (WEGIZ), there seems to be room for alternative systems more than 11 years after the Senate abolished the EHR. The law enables new technical norms and standards and should give patients more freedom of choice in how their medical data is exchanged. During a public debate organised by Privacy First, we will explore opportunities presented by this new situation.

How do alternative systems differ from the 'old SPD' and do they address previous shortcomings? Are they able to finally settle the "accessibility versus privacy" debate?

What interests and political divisions previously stood in the way of efficient and secure healthcare communication? Will alternative systems have a fair chance against the EHR system that has been pushed by health insurers for 11 years?

Who all can access your records when you sign up for an exchange system? Who decides: the patient, their doctor, or the way the system used works? How can technology be used to ensure professional confidentiality even digitally?

After a brief introduction on the topic and dilemmas of digital healthcare communication, a panel of experts will hold an open debate on the future of medical records.

Speakers include. Guido van 't Noordende (Whitebox), Geranne Lautenbach (MedicalPHIT), Herman Pieterman (former radiologist and former secretary NVvR) and Wim Jongejan (ZorgICTZorgen, former GP).

Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Donations to Privacy First, however, are greatly appreciated. Sign up can be done via, but is not mandatory.

Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022, 7.30pm to 10pm (Walk-in from 19.00h, drinks afterwards).
Location: Volkshotel, Wibautstraat 150 in Amsterdam (Doka cocktail bar). You can find directions at .

In the past, Privacy First regularly organised public debates around topical issues. After two years of corona restrictions, we can finally organise such an event again. Would you like to receive direct invitations to our events from now on? Mail us! Then we will add you to our mailing list.