Medical confidentiality is perhaps the oldest form of privacy we know. Every physician has a duty to keep all information during treatment a secret.
But that confidentiality is under pressure. The Dutch central "Electronic Patiƫnt Register" that was not legal, now threatens to be implemented after all. The European Commission is aiming for a European Superhub to connect all national systems. Patients and healthcare are losing track of where their data is.
Privacy First has been campaigning and actively lobbying for privacy in healthcare since 2014. We want you to be able to decide how your medical data is shared and that you are in control. Therefore, we advocate decentralized data sharing within the treatment relationship and the truly free choice to opt for any other solution.

Mitz: JurassicTech and the PBM as a solution

EHDS: extractive politics and popular deceit

Fleur Agema's 'split personality'

CPDP - AI & 14 dataspaces

Welcome to data communism

Urgency as it should be

EHDS - and what did VWS do? (part 1)

Kuipers' semantic quackery

EHDS excessive power grab by Brussels

'Data breach by design' in healthcare

Privacy in Europe: who stands up for citizens?

VWS's half-truths on 'Consent'

Privacy Award winners have their say

One question, 3 options. Take part in our flash poll on medical privacy

Senate approves Corona Act, despite widespread criticism
