Our children are tracked on the Internet, in school programs, student tracking systems and online games. Their behavior is recorded and predicted by technology companies to encourage them to make impulse purchases within apps and in online games. Without realizing it, our children are growing up with the idea that this is a "normal" course of action.
For years, privacy-infringing technology has been released into the marketplace without any restrictions. The government completely leaves schools and parents out in the cold when it comes to rules and education regarding its use.
Privacy First is going to actively campaign for better child protection in the coming years. We will remind the government of their responsibility, create awareness among parents and schools, and above all activate and help children to protect their privacy.

A (dis)sufficient?

National Privacy Conference 2024: bright spots and success stories

AI in education

National Privacy Conference 2024

Welcome to the (Cloud) classroom

Privacy in education

Data breach via old school guides

Tik Tok's charm offensive

Privacy Award winners have their say

Vacancies - volunteers wanted

Privacy First supports petition for privacy-friendly digital education

NOS Youth News: Concerns over surveillance cameras in schools

Column: data theft

Report of public debate on children & privacy

Big Brother in the library

Is digitisation in education really necessary?