Machine translations by Deepl, 30 July 2015: 'Privacy First wants speed check warning to stay'

"The public prosecutor plans to remove all warning signs for speed checks along Dutch roads, but privacy organisation Privacy First wants them to stay. Indeed, according to the organisation, this is required by law because secret camera surveillance is prohibited in the Netherlands.

"And public camera surveillance should always be known to citizens and motorists so that they can adjust their behaviour accordingly," Privacy First said. The organisation believes camera surveillance above Dutch highways has now taken draconian forms. Not only are police ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Registration) systems recording motorists. The camera systems for section checks also record every motorist in a police database for at least three days. The data can then be retrieved from the police by other government departments such as the AIVD and the FIOD.

According to Privacy First, the OM's decision to remove the billboards is "umpteenth proof" that the Dutch government does not respect the privacy of its own people at all. The organisation believes the OM should instead update and expand the signage, for example by actively informing motorists via the matrix signs above the highways that they are being registered. Should the public prosecutor go ahead with the plan to remove the signage, Privacy First says it will make use of this in both current and future court cases against camera surveillance above Dutch highways."

Source:, 30 July 2015.